What is Monkeypox?



Monkeypox is a viral infectious disease caused by a rare virus from animals  (zoonotic virus).

Monkeys are the primary host of the monkeypox virus. Therefore, this disease is called monkeypox. Cases transmitted from monkeys to humans were first discovered in 1970 in Congo, South Africa.

Symptoms of this disease are similar to those of smallpox, such as fever and a blistering skin rash, plus swollen lymph nodes in the armpits.

Transmission of monkeypox among humans occurs through direct contact with lending or wounds in the skin, body fluids, droplets (splashes of saliva) released when sneezing and coughing, and touching surfaces contaminated with monkeypox virus.

The dangers of this disease can be effectively prevented through vaccines. Antivirals for the treatment of monkeypox are still being studied further.

How common is this disease?

Monkeypox began to become an endemic disease in Central and West Africa.

It was first discovered in 1958 when a smallpox outbreak was rife in a collection of apes deliberately kept in a laboratory belonging to a health institution for research. The first human case occurred in 1970 in the Democratic republic of congo.

Since then, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  noted there have been pretty several cases of monkeypox infection occurring in humans outside Africa, with details:

  • 47 points in the United States in 2003
  • 3 patients in the UK in 2003
  • 1 topic in Israel in 2018
  • 1 case in Singapore (1 case) in 2019

Young adults, adolescents, young children, and infants are more susceptible to monkeypox infection. About 10% of reported deaths are primarily children.

Signs and symptoms of monkeypox

People infected with the monkeypox virus will show their first symptoms 6-16 days after exposure.

The period when the virus has not actively reproduced in the body is known as the incubation period. The incubation period of the monkeypox virus can range from 6-13 days. However, it can also occur in a longer span, which is 5-21 days.

However, as long as it does not cause symptoms, a person can still transmit the monkeypox virus to others.

The initial symptoms of this disease are the same as chickenpox caused by viral infections, which cause symptoms similar to flu.

Reporting to WHO, the emergence of monkeypox symptoms is divided into two periods of infection, namely the invasion period and skin eruption. Here's the explanation:

Invasion period

The invasion period occurs within 0-5 days after being infected with the virus for the first time. When a person is in the invasion period, he will show some symptoms of monkeypox, such as:

  • Fever
  • Severe headaches
  • Lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes)
  • Pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Severe weakness (asthenia)

Swollen lymph nodes characterize the distinguishing between monkeypox and other types of smallpox. Non-variola smallpox infections, such as chickenpox and firepox, do not cause swollen lymph nodes.

In severe symptoms, an infected person may experience other health problems in the early days of the infection.

Such is the case studied in the clinical manifestations of human monkeypox study. Groups of patients exposed to the virus through the mouth or respiratory tract show respiratory disorders such as coughing, strep throat, and runny nose.

Meanwhile, patients who are bitten directly by infected animals also experience nausea and vomiting in addition to fever.

Period of skin eruption

This period occurs at 1-3 days after the fever appears. The main symptom in this phase is the appearance of a skin rash.

The rash first appears on the face and then spreads throughout the body. The face and palms of the hands and feet are the areas most affected by this rash.

The appearance of a rash can also be found on mucous membranes located in the throat, genital areas, including eye tissue and cornea.

The rash usually begins with spots until they turn into vesicles or lending, which are fluid-filled skin blisters. The inflammation will turn dry within a few days to form a crust (scab) on the skin.

The development of rashes ranging from spots to scabs on the skin generally occurs within approximately 10 days. It takes about three weeks for all the scabs on the body's skin to peel off on their own.

When to go to the doctor?

If you feel you are in contact with someone or a wild animal infected with monkeypox,  consult a doctor immediately. Especially if you have recently traveled to the area where this outbreak originated.

As mentioned, if you experience symptoms, you should immediately see a doctor get the proper treatment. Treatment also helps prevent the onset of complications.

Although monkeypox is a disease that can heal by itself(self-limited disease), the symptoms can be disturbing and uncomfortable. Moreover, this disease tends to heal longer than other smallpox diseases.

Causes of monkeypox

Monkeypox virus is a virus derived from animals (zoonotic virus).

It is known that this virus was initially transmitted by the bite of wild animals such as squirrels. However, the researchers also found that the virus infected a group of monkeys under study. From there, this disease is called monkeypox.

Monkeypox virus comes from the genus Orthopoxvirus in the family Poxviridae. The genus Orthopoxvirus includes smallpox-causing variola virus, vaccinia virus (used in smallpox vaccines), and cowpox virus.

Most cases of monkeypox experienced by humans are caused by transmission from animals. Viruses originating from animals can enter the human body through open wounds in the skin, respiratory tract, mucous membranes, and mucosa (saliva).

How to transmit monkeypox

The disease is known to be transmitted through direct contact with skin lesions, blood, body fluids, or mucosa (saliva) that contain the virus. However, how do animals pass it on to humans?

In Africa, animal-to-human transmission occurs through daily contact with infected Gambian monkeys, squirrels, and rats.

According to the CDC, the transmission of chickenpox from animals to humans can also occur through animal bites, direct contact with animal fluids or skin lesions, or indirect contact with surfaces contaminated with the virus.

Cases of monkeypox transmission from one person to another are generally very minimal. News of the monkeypox virus between humans often occurs from droplets from an infected person's respiratory tract.

Not only through exposure to droplets released when sneezing or coughing by an infected person, but the virus transmission from droplets can also occur when making regular face-to-face contact with an infected person.

The virus can also move from the body of pregnant women into the fetus through the placenta.

Risk factors

Anyone who has never been infected with the monkeypox virus has the opportunity to experience this disease. However, the risk of contracting will be greater if:

  • Make direct contact without wearing protective gear with wild stars.
  • Have close contact with monkeys infected with the virus of this disease.
  • Eating meat and other body parts of wild animals, especially without first cooking to maturity.
  • Caring for people who have monkeypox.
  • Conduct research on the monkeypox virus in the laboratory.


To diagnose this disease, the doctor will perform a physical examination to identify symptoms. However, this disease can be misdiagnosed into other smallpox diseases such as chickenpox or firepox.

Therefore, the doctor will usually require you to undergo laboratory tests to determine the existence of viral infections that cause monkeypox.

One of the tests that doctors recommend is a swab test or polymerase chain reaction  (PCR). This test aims to analyze samples from skin lesions or parts of the skin affected by smallpox.

Treatment for monkeypox

So far, there has been no specific treatment for monkeypox in Indonesia, considering that this disease has not been found in Indonesia.

Although there is no specific treatment, this disease can be treated by controlling the symptoms through supportive treatment and antivirals.

Supportive treatment cannot stop a viral infection but aims to increase the body's resistance strength to fight infection.

During experiencing symptoms, you are encouraged to increase rest time and meet the needs of fluids and nutrients by undergoing a strict healthy diet.

You should also quarantine yourself by staying at home and limiting social contact with people in the neighborhood.

Until now, there is no specific drug that can overcome viral infections that cause monkeypox. However, the type of antiviral used to treat smallpox, namely cidofovir or tecovirimat, can help the recovery process.

In cases of severe symptoms, patients are encouraged to undergo hospitalization to get intensive treatment.

To control the health impact of this disease, prevention through the smallpox vaccine and immunoglobulin vaccine becomes the leading solution for handling monkeypox.

Prevention of monkeypox

Prevention is always better than cure. This is also true in the treatment of monkeypox.

Smallpox vaccine (Jynneos) is known to be 85% effective at preventing this disease. The vaccine is a modified modification of the vaccinia vaccine that was previously used to avoid smallpox.

In 2019, the FDA officially approved Jynneos as a vaccine that can prevent smallpox (smallpox)as well as monkeypox(monkeypox).

Administering two doses of the Jynneos vaccine in 28 days has been shown to strengthen the immune system compared to one of the previous smallpox vaccines.

However, the availability of such vaccines in public health care centers is still minimal. In Indonesia alone, there is no specific vaccine to prevent monkeypox.

Today, implementing clean and healthy living behaviors such as regular handwashing with soap, especially after interacting with animals, is still a significant preventive effort that can help you avoid the risk of infection with this disease.

Some other things you can also do to prevent monkeypox, among others:

  • Avoid direct contact with rats, primates, or other wild animals that may be exposed to the virus (including communication with dead animals in infected areas).
  • Avoid contact with any objects, such as bedding that have been stopped by sick animals.
  • Do not eat wild animal meat that is not cooked correctly.
  • Stay away as much as possible from infected patients.
  • For medics, wear masks and gloves when dealing with sick people.

If there are any questions or complaints related to this disease, immediately consult a doctor for the best solution.


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