This article will focus more on breast lumps that include benign or non-cancerous tumours.

Causes of Breast Lumps

The causes of breast lumps vary widely, depending on the type of lump itself. The following will be explained the kind of breast lump, along with each reason.


Cysts are fluid-filled lumps. Women can have one or more cysts on one or both breasts. Breast cysts are generally round or oblong. Although naturally soft, cysts are also sometimes palpable solid.

Cysts are formed due to the buildup of fluid inside the breast glands. It is unknown why this happens, but it is thought to be related to changes in female hormones in the menstrual cycle.


Fibroadenoma is a benign tumour of the breast that often occurs in women aged 20-30 years. Fibroadenoma is formed from the breast tissue and connective tissue and can occur in one or both breasts.

Fibroadenomas are divided into two types. The first type is a simple fibroadenoma, which is not cancerous. While the second type is a complex fibroadenoma, which can increase the risk of breast cancer. If it is considered dangerous,  surgery will usually be recommended.

To date, it is not yet known what causes fibroadenoma. However, this condition is thought to be related to the hormone estrogen or the use of birth control pills before the age of 20 years.

Fibrocystic breast

Breast fibrocystic is an abnormal growth of fibrous tissue, making it more prominent than fat tissue. Fibrous tissue is the building tissue of ligaments, which is the tissue that connects between bones. Fibrous tissue also forms scar tissue and connective tissue. This condition can occur in anyone but usually affects women in 30-50 years.

The cause of breast fibrocystic is not yet known with certainty, but it is thought to change the hormone estrogen in the menstrual cycle.

Intraduktal papilloma

Intraductal papillomas are benign tumours that form in the ducts, which are the ducts that carry milk from the mammary glands (lobules) to the nipple. These tumours are formed from fibrous tissue, glands, and blood vessels. Intraductal papillomas are known to most commonly affecting women aged 35-55 years.

Intraductal papillomas can be singletumors (solitary intraductal papilloma). This type generally grows near the nipple and is not cancerous. While papillomas consisting of many tumours (multiple papillomas)are more at risk of developing into cancer.

Intraductal papillomas generally occur in women in the age range of 35-55 years. However, it is not yet known what causes and risk factors for this condition.


Mastitis is inflammation of the breast tissue, which is sometimes accompanied by infection. This condition can cause the formation of abscesses (pus collection) in breast tissue. In severe cases, mastitis will be fatal if not treated immediately. Although it generally afflicts nursing mothers, mastitis can also be experienced by women in general, even men.

Mastitis is caused by bacteria that enter the skin layer, then infect breast tissue. In addition to bacterial infections, mastitis can also be caused by blockages in the ducts, which carry breast milk from the breast glands to the nipples. The backup will make breast milk settle in the breast, then trigger inflammation that leads to infection.


Lipomas are lumps of fat that grow slowly under the skin. These lumps can grow on any part of the body, such as the neck, shoulders, back, abdomen, and breasts. Lipomas include benign and harmless tumours but can be removed when they are large enough and bothersome.

It is not yet known precisely what causes lipomas. However, this condition tends to occur in someone from a family who has a history of lipomas. Although it can be experienced by people of all ages, lipomas are more common in people aged 40-60 years.

Fat necrosis

Fat necrosis is damage to the fatty glands in the breast, which generally occurs due to injury. This condition can also happen after undergoing surgery or radiation therapy on the breast.

Necrosis can be caused by many factors, including radiotherapy side effects or surgical procedures. Some breast surgery methods are lumpectomy, mastectomy, breast reconstruction, breast reduction, and breast biopsy.

Symptoms of Breast Lumps

Breast lumps can vary in size and texture, depending on the type of lump. Some of the characteristics of nodes that can appear, among others:

  • Bumps can appear single or numerous in one or both breasts.
  • The size of the lump can be less or more than 5 cm, but it can grow enlarged.
  • Nodes can be palpable soft, chewy, or solid.
  • The shape of the lump can be round or oblong and can be moved.
  • The protrusion enlarges before menstruation and returns to its original size after menstruation is complete.

In addition, other symptoms that can appear are:

  • Breasts are palpable hard.
  • Changes in shape in both breasts.
  • Breasts swell.
  • The nipples are itchy or sensitive.
  • The breasts feel hard and warm when touched.
  • Fever.
  • Slogans.
  • The nipple secretes a liquid that can look clear or cloudy.

Immediately consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • The lump does not go away after menstruation or more than 4 or 6 weeks.
  • A new bubble appears.
  • The node is enlarged.
  • The lumps are palpably dense and do not shift when moved.
  • Nipples bleed.
  • Breast skin reddens, hardens, or wrinkles like orange peel.
  • Bruised breasts for no apparent reason.
  • The nipple that goes into or its position is not normal.
  • There's a lump in the armpit.

Diagnosis of Breast Lumps

As the first step to diagnosis, the doctor will ask about the symptoms experienced and when the lump begins to appear. After that, the doctor will perform a physical examination by groping the patient's breasts. A physical exam can help the doctor ascertain the lump's location so that if a supporting exam is done, the doctor can focus on the area. However, to ensure that the node in the patient is not cancer, the doctor will run a supporting examination, such as:


Mammography is a photo of X-rays on the breasts. In this examination, the patient's breasts will be pressed to see the image of breast tissue more clearly. Through mammography, several abnormalities in the breast can be seen, such as tumours, calcium buildup, or dense tissue in the breast.


Ultrasound is an examination that uses sound waves to produce images. Breast ultrasound is beneficial in examining breast lumps, especially in distinguishing solid bumps and fluid-filled lumps.


MRI uses magnetic fields and sound waves to display images of the inside of the body. MRI is used to examine lumps felt during a physical examination more thoroughly but are not visible on mammography or ultrasound.


Ductography, or galactoseography, is a procedure of taking pictures of the breast glands with an X-ray photo machine to help the doctor find out the cause of discharge from the nipple. This procedure is preceded by the administration of contrast injections into the nipple.


A biopsy is sampling a lump or an entire lump to be examined in a laboratory. Some methods of breast biopsy are:

Fine-needle aspiration biopsy

Surgical biopsy (surgical biopsy)

Biopsy with vacuum assistance (vacuum-assisted biopsy)

Biopsy of the core needle biopsy

Breast Lump Treatment

In many cases, benign breast lumps do not need to be treated because they are harmless and bothersome. Even in some cases, the protrusion may disappear on its own. New medical measures will be taken if the bump gets bigger or causes severe pain.

Procedures for dealing with breast lumps depend on the type of lump, including:


Lumpectomy begins with giving the local patient anaesthesia. After the anaesthetic works, the doctor will make a wedge around the tumour area, then remove the tumour and a little surrounding tissue. This procedure is usually performed on women with one lump with a diameter of fewer than 5 centimetres.


Cryotherapy or frozen therapy aims to destroy abnormal cells by freezing. In this procedure, a special needle will be inserted directly into the tumour area. Then, the doctor will inject liquid nitrogen to freeze the tumour.

Fine needle aspiration

Fine needle aspiration is a procedure of removing fluid from a breast lump using a special needle. This procedure is done with the help of an ultrasound so that the placement of the hand is right on the bump.

In addition to the above methods, doctors can also prescribe drugs, such as birth control pills, to lower estrogen levels. In the case of mastitis, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics and pain medications, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. There is no need to stop breastfeeding because it remains safe for the baby and can actually help to heal.

If a breast lump is breast cancer, your doctor may perform several surgeries, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or hormone therapy. In some cases, doctors may combine the 1-2 treatment methods above, depending on the size and stage of cancer and the age and health condition of the patient.

Prevention of Breast Lumps

Most breast lumps cannot be prevented, as they occur due to hormonal changes that cannot be controlled. However, women need to understand their breasts, so it is easier to realize changes in their organs.

One way that can be done to recognize your own breasts is to do early detection (examine your own breasts). By doing early detection, patients can find out the presence of lumps.

Be aware of it done once a month, at 7-10 days after the first day of menstruation, in the following ways:

  • Stand in front of a mirror, and observe if there are changes in the shape, size, skin colour, and surface of the breast skin. Please note. Generally, the body of the right and left breast is not symmetrical. Therefore, this is nothing to worry about.
  • Raise both hands up, bend your elbows and position your hands behind your head (nape). Then, push the elbows forward and backwards while observing the shape and size of the breasts.
  • Groping the breast using three fingers (index, middle, sweet) that are close together. Then with gentle pressure, do a twisting motion starting from the outside of the breast to the inside and touching the nipple. Focus and feel well to be known when there is thickening or lumps.
  • When bathing, position the right hand behind the head. Then after being poisoned, check the right breast with the left hand in a circular motion, from the nipple to the outer side of the breast. Do the same on the left breast.
  • When lying down, place your left hand under your head. Then, check the left breast with your right hand. Do the same with the right breast.
  • Squeeze both nipples and observe if there is any abnormal fluid coming out of the nipple.

In addition to being aware, another preventive step is SADANIS (clinical breast examination), which is carried out by trained medical personnel. Every woman is advised to undergo SADANIS periodically to find lumps or other abnormal signs in the breast as early as possible.  

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