How To Consume Garlic The Right Way To Lower High Blood Pressure


Garlic, a powerful herbal remedy to lower high blood pressure. High blood pressure, aka hypertension, is one of the most common diseases suffered by the community. High blood pressure is not contagious but can affect anyone's health.

 A person suffering from high blood pressure should be treated immediately. If left unchecked, high blood pressure will increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Based on WHO data, a person is said to have high blood pressure if the systolic blood pressure is more than 140 mmHg and the diastolic blood pressure is more than 90 mmHg.

Health problems High blood pressure arises because it is influenced by many factors, including an unhealthy lifestyle. Foods that are high in salt also increase the risk of high blood pressure. Lack of sleep, obesity, excessive caffeine consumption can also increase a person suffering from high blood pressure.

When high blood pressure recurs, the patient will show several symptoms such as:





Red face

restless dizzy


Usually, patients will take prescription drugs to reduce high blood pressure. Another option, patients can take herbal medicines to relieve high blood pressure. Like many plants and herbs believed to lower high blood pressure, garlic is one of them.

 Garlic for high blood pressure

 Who is not familiar with garlic. Yes, garlic is a kitchen spice that is often used when cooking. Apart from being a spice in the kitchen, garlic is also known as herbal medicine.

Garlic is believed to effectively treat several diseases such as cholesterol and high blood pressure. But keep in mind, people with high blood pressure should not just consume garlic to lower their high blood pressure.

 Because there is a special way of consuming garlic that is effective at lowering high blood pressure. Quoting from, here's how to consume garlic as a herbal remedy for high blood pressure.


 Garlic 1 clove

 You wash and peel the garlic. Then, you steam the garlic for a few minutes. You eat a clove of steamed garlic twice a day. Alternatively, you can boil the garlic for five minutes. After that, you can consume boiled garlic with other foods. In addition to consuming garlic, it's a good idea to start a healthy lifestyle to lower high blood pressure.

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