Know the 4 Characteristics of Stage 1 Breast Cancer Before It's Too Late
Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in
women caused by cancer. This type of cancer occurs when cells in breast tissue
grow and develop uncontrollably until it spreads to the surrounding breast
So far, it is not known the exact cause of breast cancer. However, several factors can increase the risk of developing breast cancer, such as smoking habits and consumption of alcoholic beverages age, obesity, radiation exposure, and menopause in older age.
A woman also has
a higher risk of developing breast cancer if she has had breast cancer before
or has a history of breast cancer in her family.
Breast Cancer Characteristics to Know
Although it
rarely causes symptoms, you need to recognize some characteristics of breast
cancer as an early detection effort. The sooner breast cancer is detected, the
greater your chances of recovery.
The following are
the characteristics of stage 1 breast cancer:
1. Appearance of lumps in the breast
Lumps in the breast are one of the early signs of the
appearance of stage 1 breast cancer. These lumps are generally 2 cm or smaller
and do not always hurt. However, not all lumps that appear on the breast are
2. Breast skin color changes
Not a few women think
that discoloration of the skin of the breast is a common thing or caused by
infection. In fact, this color change you actually need to be aware of is one
of the characteristics of breast cancer.
At this stage,
the skin of the breast will become reddish as it experiences irritation,
texture, and color of wrinkled skin resembling orange peel and thickening of
the skin.
3. Nipples hurt
Stage 1 breast
cancer is also characterized by changes in the nipple that is accompanied by pain. Nipples also sometimes
release abnormal fluid or actually enter the breast.
4. Appears bumps on the armpits
Although called
breast cancer, it does not mean that the lump under the armpit you encounter has nothing to do with
this cancer. Breast tissue extends to under the armpits, so cancer
can spread through the lymph nodes under the armpits.
So, if you feel a
lump in the armpit, you should be aware of these changes as a characteristic of
stage 1 breast cancer.
To recognize the
characteristics of breast cancer stage 1 above, try to do breast examinations
yourself or REALIZE regularly at home. The best time to do this
examination is 7-10 days after menstruation ends.
This examination
you can do by groping the breast to see the possibility of changes in physical
shape in the breast. If you feel an irregularity in the breast, do not hesitate
to immediately see a doctor.
Early breast
cancer can be examined by various methods, ranging from physical breast
examination to supporting investigations, such as mammography, biopsy, breast ultrasound, and MRI.
Breast cancer is
one of the deadly types of cancer. The
sooner the disease is detected, the higher the success rate of treatment. To
reduce the risk of stage 1 breast cancer, you are also advised to live a
healthy lifestyle.
If you belong to a group at high risk of breast cancer or suspect the presence of stage 1 breast cancer, immediately consult a doctor to do an examination related to breast cancer.