Monkey Pox Can Be Contagious in Public Places; where are the Most At Risk?
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Based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States (US), about 94 cases of monkeypox in this outbreak occurred in men who had sexual relations with fellow men. The risk of transmitting monkey pox other than through sexual contact is shallow.
However, some case reports suggest that transmission of monkeypox without sexual contact may not be as presumed. This triggered the emergence of questions regarding the level of monkeypox transmission risk.
In daily activities, place factors do not significantly influence monkeypox transmission risk. According to epidemiologist and infectious disease specialist from Weill Cornell Medicine, dr Jay Varma, the factors influencing the risk of monkeypox transmission are who a person is doing activities with and what they do.
"Who you spend time with and what you do with the person (affects the risk of transmission more), compared to where you are," said dr Varma as reported by Insider, Thursday (25/8/2022).
Dr Varma and six other experts also estimated the risk of monkeypox transmission in various daily activities. The following is an estimate of the risk of such transmission:
1. Eating out of the house (risk: very low)
Monkeypox can indeed be transmitted through respiratory droplets. Even so, there is minimal possibility of contracting monkeypox while eating in a restaurant.
The CDC states that the spread of monkeypox through droplets can occur when a person is within a six-foot radius of an infected person. However, transmission in this way takes more than three hours.
"Most eating activities don't last that long," explains Yale School of Medicine's assistant professor of infectious diseases, dr Scott Roberts.
The medical director for infection prevention from Mount Sinai Health System, Bernard Camins, said people also don't have to worry about contracting it from waitresses or other visitors who don't wear masks. However, the risk of transmission can increase if someone shares a drink or cutlery with a person infected with monkeypox.
2. Using public transport (risk: low)
Sitting side by side with scantily clad monkey pox sufferers on public transport does not pose too much risk of transmission. The reason is that most people use public transportation for a relatively short time, so the contact that occurs does not last long.
Planes are even considered safer than trains or buses. The reason is that the aircraft is equipped with an air filter feature that makes the passengers on board more protected from the transmission when compared to other modes of public transportation.
3. Exercise in the gym (risk: low)
Although the exercise equipment in the gym is used together, the risk of monkeypox transmission is considered not so high. The risk of transmission can be further reduced if people diligently wash their hands, disinfect their exercise equipment, use closed clothes when exercising, and use clean towels.
However, the men's sauna area in the gym may need to be more vigilant. The reason is that cases of monkeypox are more commonly found in men and sauna conditions facilitate the occurrence of skin-to-skin contact.
4. Watching a concert (risk: low-medium)
Watching concerts and jostling with other audiences can risk monkeypox transmission. Moreover, shows usually last relatively long, so skin-to-skin contact among the audience for a relatively long time is inevitable.
To reduce this risk, wear long sleeves when watching concerts. Avoid using illegal drugs or alcohol because it can make a person not think clearly about the actions taken, and avoid sexual contact.
5. Having sex (risk: high)
Sexual intercourse and intimate contact have a high risk of transmitting monkeypox. Especially when this is done by men with fellow men.
Studies have also found the monkeypox virus in semen, feces, urine, blood, and saliva. But it is not yet known how infectious the particles of the virus are.
Condom use may be able to suppress the transmission of the virus through semen. However, these efforts cannot stop the virus from spreading if the bed sheets are contaminated or if there is contact between the skin of a healthy person and the smallpox lesions of monkeypox sufferers.
"This disease is not very contagious, and with vaccination, a slight behaviour change, it can be suppressed quickly," said Infectious disease epidemiologist from the University of Nottingham, Keith Neal.