LIPI Conducts Clinical Trials of Candidates for COVID-19 Herbal Supplements


The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and several medical associations conduct clinical trials on immunomodulators in herbal supplements to treat COVID-19 patients. Immunomodulators are substances that can affect the body’s immune system (strengthen or suppress the immune system, so it doesn’t overreact).

This clinical trial was conducted on 90 COVID-19 patients at the Wisma Atlet Kemayoran COVID-19 Emergency Hospital, Jakarta. Supplement testing is just one of the hundreds of scientists’ efforts to fight the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. How is the process and progress of clinical trials of this herbal supplement in Indonesia?

COVID-19 herbal supplement candidate

“This is not a drug that kills viruses in the body, but an immunomodulator whose function is the same as a supplement as an immune system enhancer to help fight viruses,” said Dr. Masteria Yunovilsa Putra to Hello Sehat, Friday (7/8). Masteria is a doctor at the LIPI Biotechnology Research Center as Coordinator of Clinical Test Activities for Immunomodulator Candidates.

When the body is attacked by a virus, the immune system or immune system is the first to fight the virus. A sick body due to a virus indicates that the resistance given by the body’s immune system has been lost. This is when immunomodulators play a role in restoring the body’s immune strength so that it can fight back against viral attacks.

The COVID-19 herbal immunomodulator is currently in clinical trials, combines two finished products circulating in the community. These immunomodulators have received marketing authorization from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) as standardized herbal medicines.

Masteria did not mention the distribution brand, but he explained the herbal content of this COVID-19 immunomodulator candidate. First, herbal supplements with the essential ingredients of Cordyceps militaris, a mushroom plant with active compounds to overcome shortness of breath. Second, the supplement comes from ginger rhizome, meniran, sambiloto, and sembung leaves.

“Now, we want to claim it as an immunomodulator for COVID-19 supplements. That’s a special claim, so it must be tested,” said Masteria.

Herbal immunomodulator clinical trial in 90 Coronavirus infection patients

Patients who are test participants are COVID-19 patients aged 18-50 years with mild symptoms and no comorbidities.

Of the total 90 participants, 72 were tested in early August. Researchers said the entire series of clinical trials were completed on Saturday (15/8).

Research on this COVID-19 immunomodulator candidate has been conducted by the LIPI research team, Gadjah Mada University, and PT since early March. Kalbe Farma Tbk.

Researchers conducted a scientific study of herbal ingredients native to Indonesia which have active ingredients to boost the immune system.

After determining and selecting two combinations of herbal supplements, the research team chose the Wisma Athlete Emergency Hospital as the test site. This is because the inclusion criteria of patients treated there follow the target of the test.

In this clinical trial process, the research consisted of the LIPI research team, the Association of Indonesian Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Development Doctors (PDPOTJI), the Indonesian Lung Doctors Association (PDPI), the Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Health, and a team of doctors from the Emergency Hospital Handling COVID-19. Kemayoran Athlete House.

“We hope that this immunomodulator will not only be used for COVID-19 patients but can also be circulated in the community as an immune enhancer and prevention of COVID-19,” said Masteria regarding her hopes for this herbal supplement.

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