6 Natural Ingredients to Treat Breast Cancer


Breast Cancer

As the name implies, breast cancer is one type of cancer that occurs in the breast. This cancer begins when cancer cells start to grow out of control.

Breast cancer cells will usually form tumours that can be seen on an x-ray or felt as a lump. Breast cancer occurs almost entirely in women, but men also can get this type of cancer.

We need to understand that most lumps on the breast will be benign and not malignant cancer. Noncancerous breast tumours themselves are abnormal growths but will not spread beyond the breast. These lumps will not be life-threatening, but some of these types of benign breast lumps will be able to increase a woman's risk of developing breast cancer.

Treating breast cancer itself is done with special treatment and can also utilize natural ingredients around us. Some natural medicines, such as garlic, turmeric, and others, are also robust to overcome it.

Reporting to Healthline, some types of treatment will be able to be done to treat breast cancer. However, there are actually also natural ingredients for how to overcome it. Here's the summary for you.

1. Garlic

How to treat breast cancer with natural ingredients the first is to use garlic. In addition to being used as a flavouring ingredient, garlic has ajoene compounds that will slow the production of cancer cells.

In addition, the anticancer properties present in garlic also come from their high levels of organic sulfide and polysymide. Extracts from garlic will be able to eliminate carcinogens that cause cancer. Increase detoxification enzymes and strengthen the immune system.

2. Turmeric

How to treat breast cancer with the following natural ingredient is to use turmeric. The presence of a compound called curcumin will be a source of antioxidants claimed to inhibit the development of cancer cells in the lung, breast, skin and stomach areas.

In addition, a study mentions that the compounds in curcumin can inhibit the growth of cancer cells at all stages. Turmeric is one type of plant that will hinder the growth of cancer cells by increasing the levels of natural antioxidants in the body.

3. Echinacea

How to treat breast cancer with the following natural ingredient is use echinacea. Echinacea is a plant of the family Asteraceae. A study that has been published by the Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal mentions that the Echinaceae plant is a plant that has the potential to help cure cancer.

Echinaceae itself contains flavonoids that are a source of antioxidants. Flavonoids are compounds that will stimulate the immune system. In addition, flavonoids are also believed to increase the activity of lymphocytes, which are one part of white blood cells that can boost the immune system.

4. Green Tea

The polyphenol content in green tea can also be an active compound that acts as an anticancer substance. A study says that this plant will be effective against tumours and genetic mutations.

According to a study, patients with breast cancer in stages I and II who regularly consume more than 5 cups of green tea every day have shown a lower rate of breast cancer recurrence than those who drank less than 4 cups every day.

5. Ginseng

How to treat breast cancer with the following natural ingredient is use ginseng. Ginseng is one of the famous herbal remedies to alleviate various health problems, including breast cancer. This herbal plant is believed to have active substances that can help inhibit the spread and division of cancer cells.

Ginseng will work by inhibiting the presence of tumour cells that should grow by interfering with DNA formation. In addition, the compounds present in it will also help to increase antibodies and damaged cells during chemotherapy and the presence of radiotherapy. However, the use of ginseng for breast cancer treatment also requires further research to prove its effectiveness.

6. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds or their Latin term flax seed may still be less popular sounding to you. However, its potential and benefits for cancer treatment cannot be underestimated. Flaxseeds are rich in fibre, fatty acids, and omega 3 and lignans that have antioxidant properties. A study conducted at Toronto University suggested that flaxseed has potent anticancer properties.

Experiments on a mouse showed that flaxseed can help reduce tumour malignancy by injecting breast cancer cells into his body.

When cancer began to propagate, the results showed that the cancer growth rate in mice that had eaten flaxseeds could be reduced by up to 45 per cent.  

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