Avoid Breast Cancer Trigger Foods

Delicious food is not necessarily healthy; here is a list of foods that trigger breast cancer

1. Burnt Red Meat

Steak or satay is delicious, but the effect is not suitable for the health of your breasts. Therefore, you should limit the consumption to no more than 500 grams in a week. Pay attention to cooking it like it is burned because it forms heterocyclic amines (HCAs). HCAs are suspected of having the potential to cause breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer.

2. Alcohol

Some studies confirm that alcohol consumption increases a woman's risk of breast cancer. The safe limit of drinking alcohol is a glass a day. More than that, your risk of developing breast cancer goes up 11% from every glass of alcohol you drink.

3. Yellow

Its sweet taste can be 'bittersweet.' Consuming too much sugar will increase insulin levels. Based on research, insulin is the leading promoter of tumour growth. When insulin is present in high amounts in the blood, it also increases the circulation of estrogen-free.

4. High-Fat Milk and Its Processed Products

Some studies say people who consume milk and high-fat cheese have a higher risk of developing cancer. The researchers estimate that it has to do with estrogen. This hormone is fat-soluble, so it has a higher concentration in high-fat milk than low-fat milk. Some types of breast cancer have estrogen receptors and are fed by estrogen.

5. Processed Meat

The researchers found that ingredients used as preservatives in processed meats such as sausages, ham, and bacon metamorphosed into cancer-causing ingredients while in the body. So, resist your desire to eat hotdogs. If you can't stand it, eat processed meat only on special occasions.

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