
 Definition of Hypersomnia

Hypersomnia is a reasonably rare sleep disorder, which can cause excessive drowsiness during the day. Even if you get enough sleep at night. This condition also often causes difficulty to wake up in the morning after sleeping at night or napping.

In this condition, the need to sleep can occur at any time, including while driving a vehicle or working, making this condition dangerous. Generally, hypersomnia develops over several weeks to several months.

Diagnosis of this condition is made after getting rid of more common sleep disorders. Meanwhile, the treatment is aimed at controlling signs and symptoms with treatment.

 Causes of Hypersomnia

There are several possible causes of hypersomnia, such as:

  • Sleep disorders such as narcolepsy (daytime sleepiness) and sleep apnea  (interruptions from breathing during sleep)
  • Not getting enough sleep at night (sleep deprivation)
  • Having excess weight
  • Use of illegal drugs or alcohol
  • Head injury or the presentness of neurological diseases, such as multiple sclerosis
  • Genetic factors

Symptoms of Hypersomnia

In someone who has hypersomnia, other signs, and symptoms that can arise include:

  • Often falls asleep during the day and doesn't feel refreshed afterwards
  • Falling asleep suddenly, often at meals or talking
  • Stay asleep for a long time at night

Diagnosis Hypersomnia

To determine the diagnosis of hypersomnia, the doctor will evaluate the signs and symptoms experienced, looking at medical history and family history. This includes the treatment that is being consumed, as well as doing a physical examination.

Your doctor may also perform several tests to determine the diagnosis of the condition and determine the cause, including:

  • Epworth Sleepiness Scale

Doctors can ask patients to assess the drowsiness experienced to determine how daily it is affected by sleep patterns.

  • Sleep diary or sleep agenda

Doctors can ask patients to note sleep agendas, where patients document sleep hours and waking hours to indicate the duration and pattern of daily sleep.

  • Polysomnogram

At this examination, the patient can stay in the sleep research centre for one night. A polysomnogram monitors brain activity, eyeball movements, foot movements, heart rate, breathing patterns, and oxygen levels during sleep.

  • Multiple sleep latency test or multiple sleep latency check

This examination measures drowsiness and the type and degree of sleep experienced during naps. This examination is generally done the day after a polysomnogram.

Treatment of Hypersomnia

Treatment of hypersomnia is intended to relieve signs and symptoms that arise. A doctor can prescribe certain stimulants to help the body stay awake during the day when assessed needed.

In addition, doctors may also recommend making regular night sleep patterns and avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and certain drugs that can affect sleep patterns.

Prevention of Hypersomnia

Because the cause of hypersomnia is still not known with certainty, no prevention method has been proven to be fully adequate to prevent the onset of this condition. However, specific ways are believed to help lower daytime sleepiness. For example, by creating a sleep agenda, ensuring sleep and wakefulness at the same hour every day, and ensuring the sleeping environment is a dark, quiet, and cool place. 


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