Allergy Medicine from Natural Ingredients

 Allergy Remedies from Natural Ingredients That Can Be Found at Home


HEALTH CARE - Once the allergy recurs, you may immediately look for a cure to overcome the symptoms. Antihistamines or steroids are potent as allergy medications. However, you can actually also be on guard by taking some medicines from natural ingredients.

List of foods and natural ingredients for allergy medications

Allergies are immune system reactions to foreign substances (allergens) that are actually harmless. When the body is exposed to allergens, the immune system releases antibodies and chemicals that cause itching, rashes, sneezing, and other allergy symptoms.

Natural ingredients that are considered allergy medications actually do not eliminate the allergy itself. Allergies are conditions that cannot be cured to the fullest extent. However, drugs and natural ingredients can help relieve symptoms.

Substances in natural ingredients may also help the immune system no longer be too sensitive to allergens. However, you still should not use it excessively because there are also natural ingredients that cause allergies.

In general, here are the ingredients and foods that are considered to be natural allergy remedies.

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1. Yogurt

Yoghurt can be a potent natural antihistamine, thanks to its high probiotic content. A 2015 research report mentioned about 23 studies that agreed that probiotics help reduce symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

Antihistamines serve to stop the immune system's excessive response to allergens. In these cases, probiotics rich in good bacteria may help relieve the immune system's response to previously excessive allergens.

2. Kuaci

Foods rich in vitamin E can relieve inflammation caused by allergens. One of the foods that contain high levels of vitamin E is kuaci (sunflower seeds).

Antioxidants in this natural allergy medicine can also prevent cell damage due to the excessive release of histamine. However, be careful if you are allergic to peanuts or whole grains. The protein in the kuaci may be similar to your allergy trigger.

3. Pineapple and papaya

When you're allergic to dust, mites, or other allergens that cause inflammation of the respiratory tract, consumption of pineapples and papaya may be able to help relieve symptoms. This is because both are rich in an enzyme called bromelain.

Bromelain has strong anti-inflammatory properties. A study even showed that this enzyme can reduce the severity of asthma symptoms by inhibiting inflammatory reactions that occur in the body.

4. Chili, adas, and wasabi

Spicy foods and spices such as chilli, wasabi, and adas are some examples of natural decongestants. In medical treatment, decongestants are drugs that can relieve nasal congestion or water that includes allergy symptoms.

The spicy sensation of these natural spices can stimulate cells in the respiratory system to remove excess mucus. As a result, the nose feels more relieved because most of the mucus that clogs it has come out.

5. Guava

Guava is a natural remedy to overcome allergy symptoms such as itching and sneezing, thanks to its vitamin C content. According to a Journal of International Research study, additional vitamin C intake helps relieve these symptoms.

Although the effect can not be said to be drastic, vitamin C has the potential to reduce the release of histamine. Histamine is a natural compound produced by the immune system and is the cause of symptoms that appear during an allergic reaction.

6. Onions and tomatoes

Natural allergy remedies are also in the kitchen of your home, for example, onions and tomatoes. Both are rich in natural substances called bioflavonoids. This substance is an antioxidant that helps protect the body's cells from damage.

Bioflavonoids also have the potential to stabilize body cells that overreact when exposed to allergens. So, try adding these two natural remedies to your cooking menu to overcome allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itchy skin, and others.

7. Green leafy vegetables

 Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and kale are high in magnesium. Magnesium can help relieve symptoms by relaxing the muscles of the respiratory tract. This is useful for preventing asthma attacks triggered by allergies.

8. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids

During an allergic reaction, your body also experiences inflammation characterized by swelling and redness in various parts of the body.

Reporting a study in the journal Allergology International, the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fatty acids are very beneficial in relieving asthma symptoms and other forms of allergies.

You can find omega-3 fatty acids from the sources below.

  • Fatty fish as well as various seafood, especially salmon, mackerel, and tuna.
  • Nuts and seeds, such as chia seeds, soybeans, kidney beans, and almonds.
  • Vegetable oils, such as canola oil, soybean oil, and avocado oil.
  • Foods fortified with omega-3 fatty acids or supplements.

9. Spirulina

Spirulina is a turquoise alga that grows in the waters. Besides being a nutrient-dense superfood, spirulina can also be a natural allergy remedy because it can inhibit the release of chemicals that cause allergy symptoms.  

Various natural ingredients above will not eliminate allergies completely. However, the valuable content in it may be able to help reduce the severity of symptoms.

Keep in mind that an ingredient will only be helpful if it is not consumed in excess. Balance it with other food ingredients that are no less diverse so that the body gets its nutritional needs. 
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