4 Benefits of Coriander for Your Heart Health


Coriander is a kitchen spice that is often used in various Indonesian dishes. With the Latin name Coriandrum sativum, coriander turns out to have many health benefits, including for the heart. What are the health benefits of coriander for heart health? Check out the full explanation below!

The nutritional content of coriander

Before you understand the benefits of coriander for heart health, you should first understand the nutritional content. In 100 grams of coriander, you will find the following nutritional content:

• Water: 11.2 grams

• Energy: 418 calories

• Protein: 14.1 grams

• Fat: 16.1 grams

• Carbohydrates: 54.2 grams

• Fiber: 12.3 grams

• Calcium: 630 milligrams (mg)

• Phosphorus: 370 mg

• Iron: 17.9 mg

• Sodium: 91 mg

• Potassium 1787 mg

• Copper: 0.95 mg

• Zinc: 4.6 mg

• Beta-Carotene: 75 micrograms (mcg)

• Total carotene: 1570 mcg

• Thiamine (Vitamin B1): 0.2 mg

• Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 0.35 mg

• Niacin: 1.8 mg

By using coriander as a spice in various types of cuisine, you can benefit heart health. Here are some of the benefits you can get:

1. Lowering harmful cholesterol levels

High cholesterol conditions can increase various heart health problems, one of which is a heart attack. The reason is, excess lousy cholesterol can accumulate in the arteries to cause blockages. Blocked arteries make blood flow to and from the heart stopped.

Meanwhile, the antioxidant content in coriander turns out to have good benefits for heart health. This content can help lower bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. That way, your risk of experiencing various heart diseases due to cholesterol also decreases.

In addition, the mineral content in coriander, such as iron, zinc, and copper, also provides benefits in maintaining heart health. Even so, experts need to do more research to ascertain the help of this one coriander.

2. Increase good cholesterol levels

In addition to lowering harmful cholesterol levels in the blood, coriander also benefits by increasing good cholesterol (HDL) levels. Unlike lousy cholesterol, good cholesterol has an essential role in your health. The presence of cholesterol levels on this one is undoubtedly necessary for heart health.

Good cholesterol or HDL has a role in getting rid of bad cholesterol in the blood. This means that you also need more good cholesterol than bad cholesterol.

The higher the level of good cholesterol in the blood, the lower your risk of developing heart disease. Therefore, by consuming coriander, you can get additional benefits that are good for heart health.

3. Control blood sugar levels

Apparently, blood sugar levels that are too high are also a risk factor for heart disease. The reason, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, over time, high blood sugar can damage blood vessels. In fact, this condition can also damage the nerves that control the heart and blood vessels.

This means that the longer you have diabetes or high blood sugar levels, the higher your risk of developing these disorders. Well, consuming coriander can help you control the blood sugar content in the body.

Therefore, by helping to control blood sugar levels in the body, coriander not only provides benefits for overcoming diabetes. However, consuming coriander can also help you maintain a healthy heart.

4. Regulate blood pressure

Coriander can provide benefits to maintain blood pressure as a risk factor for heart disease. As you know, the higher a person's blood pressure, the greater the risk of developing various types of heart disease, including heart attack, heart failure, coronary heart disease, and so on.

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